Taking a Different Path - Alternative Treatment For ADD/ADHD

Author: Jimmy Brownen

Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food
In the US, other than prescribed medications, there are no other federally-approved treatments for ADD/ADHD. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is still supporting drug therapy as the treatment for this disorder. Findings of many studies point to availability of “natural” treatments; therefore, a rising number of health professionals are proposing behavioral and dietary interventions to supplement.
What can be said about prescription medication is that it is still new to the practice of medicine but plant extracts and other holistic remedies have existed before our time. Modern medicine possesses the wondrous capability to alter natural substances to form a chemical derivative that has absolutely nothing to do with the original material in its final form.
It is, however, very interesting that it was the advent of chemically-based foods, sweeteners, additives, and, yes, medications that signaled the advent of the ADD/ADHD “epidemic”.
Are there any possible connections?
ADD/ADHD is a result of the appearance of chemical substance which has the ability to produce biochemical reactions within the body. It is then capable of altering the body’s functioning to elicit unnatural symptoms. All this of course is the result of changes in the environment change the natural bodily function.
The rise in cases of ADD/ADHD have risen in concurrence with the widespread usage of chemical additives, preservatives, and substances. This further testifies that natural malfunction of the human body is cannot the major cause of ADD/ADHD most cases. The toxin environment created by unnatural substances is what causes failure in for the body to function properly.
As the use of chemicals has increased, so have the rates of ADD/ADHD diagnoses.
The reality is that some individuals are more sensitive to extraneous toxins than others. Just as some people are more prone to reacting to allergens whereas others are not affected by them at all, some people are simply biologically programmed to have a more severe reaction to toxins than others.
The body of a highly sensitive individuals can react in a way such as developing symptoms like fidgeting, distractibility, impulsivity, hyperactivity, forgetfulness, and behavioral problems when placed in a toxin environment but if these individuals are removed form the environment then the symptom can be reduced or even disappear completely.
The issue of ADD/ADHD treatment is that many people knows that the toxin effecting sufferer of ADD/ADHD must be removed from them and this goes for removing the individuals from the toxic environment too but the vast number of us are still unclear about how to go about doing that. With the many non-medication method available today, prescribed medication should be the last
choice in anyone seeking out ways to deal with this disorder.
These are the issues that needs to be addressed and have proven to help control a great number of ADD/ADHD cases:
the nutritional needs of the individual - any existing behavioral issues - toxins present within the individual’s environment
Not many have found the need for medications, even if it is during emergencies.
Many researchers suspect, and are now investigating, the correlation between food allergies and behavioral problems. These researchers have gone so far as to suggest that more than 60% of individuals suspected of having ADD/ADHD might be “cured” by eliminating such toxins as sugar, artificial colors and preservatives, soy, milk, chocolate, wheat, some citrus fruits, and eggs from their diets.
Elimination diet is one of the most recommended method of stabilizing ADD/ADHD like behavior. Here is a short guide for implementing elimination diet.
  1. Begin by eliminating foods, or food groups, that might be responsible for the symptoms. If dairy products are suspected, eliminate all dairy products. Should the symptoms improve, dairy can be added back into the diet, one food at a time. When and if symptoms return, the food, or foods, that were most recently introduced are the probable culprits.
  1. You can start eliminating food such as diary, wheat products, sugar, eggs, nuts, soy products, corn, and citrus fruits and juices because they are usually the type that are responsible for these symptoms.
  1. Try to carry out food elimination for two weeks and during that time, breathing, and general health should be closely monitored.
  2. Foods should then be introduced one at a time and for the period of three days minimum. Introducing food should be done at three days interval until a reaction appears.
  1. Make sure to read food labels! Some products contain the offending foods as an ingredient and will produce a reaction.
Food diary is another method that can be used to detect food allergies. This method is done by recording all foods, beverages, snacks, candies, etc. that are consumed. This is also extended to inoffensive substances as gum, medications (even over the counter meds), and candies. Don’t forget to record down breathing, and general health in the diary as well as sleeping patterns, activity levels, and attitude. Patterns should be detectable according to what was ingested at the end of the month.
Elimination diets and food diaries are now being used to uncover toxins that may be responsible for such conditions as Autism, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, general food allergies, Fibromyalgia, inflammatory bowel disease, and even depression!
About the author:
Jimmy Brownen is a leading expert in the field of ADHD and has years of experience in the treatment of it. For more information on the disorder or for alternative means of curing ADHD