Busting the Autism Symptoms and Treatments

by Austin Barry

Autism Symptoms And Treatments
Some familiar autism signs among autistic kids concern seizure disorders, gastrointestinal problems, mental problems. The most familiar one is poor or deficit or inflexible in their social and communication skills. Nevertheless there are some having no issue in vocal skills but fail in trivial talk or convesation. Next, they have tactile and motor issues. Most often are reactive to light, sound, crowds and other stimulation. Hence, it is frequent to see autistic kids close their ears, respond negatively to certain lit areas, etc. Usually autistic kids have weak fine and gross motor skills in their early stage, that is mostly shown in their poor conduct in sport or athletic activities, especially in their poor handwriting. Another symptom is they are likely to involve in repetitious and ritualized activities, such as lining toys along straight line, as well as having little or few affectionate interests, opt for activities that involves reduced spoken communication.

In this modern day, there are many proved & trustworthy alternatives in hand for autism signs and therapies, even though they don't produce the same result. The following shows the most familiar and proven approaches :

  • ABA (Applied Behaviroral Analysis)- among all the approaches, this is the conventional and most proved or researched, it is more of an thorough coaching to teach or learn appropriate skills;
  • Speech therapy- this is contemplated to be worthy for autistic kids as most encounter problem in verbal and communication skills, notably to the use of speech in building social relationship;
  • OT (Occupational Therapy)- this is particularly focus on learning living skills and overcome sensory issues since most are poor in fine and gross motor skills;
  • Social Skills Treatment- this teaches them skills in communication as well as social interaction while playing or communicating among a group of kids;
  • Phsical Therapy- identical to OT, is suitable in building or toning their muscles to overcome their fine and gross motor weakness;
  • Visually-based approach- this is one approach serving to teach skills and communication involving picture-based communicaiton, such as PECS, video communicaiton system since most autistic kids have good visual memory;
  • Biomedical treatment- this is very much based on DAN! Approach since they have the most thorough research. This involves prescribing special diets such as GFCF (gluten-free, casein-free), supplements (such as vitamins and nutritions), and other alternative treatments. They have gained big support from mothers of autistic kids even though their approaches are not all supported by CDC or FDA.
To attain more positive result among all the above available autism treatments, it is better to adopt a combination rather than a specific single approach.