A variety Of Treatment Opportunities Are Available-What are They?


Unfortunately, the designated remedy for autism advice, has yet to be discovered. Affected children can grow up suffering from speech impairment, difficulties in social interaction, abnormal learning and an inability to enjoy many experiences of life, which we all take for granted. It has been established, that early diagnosis and intervention can help to minimize the problem and therapies can give the person with autism a certain measure of independence and show him or her how to cope.
Countless options and opportunities are available within a wide variety of therapy applications. Treatment is very much dependent on the needs of an individual and most professionals agree that it is best to start no later than the age of two. Occasionally a combination of treatments and procedures, will yield the best results, but it should be recognized that this condition. generally requires treatment for the life of the person with autism and the caregiver must be prepared to be flexible for this approach.
Generally speaking, treatments and therapy programs can be broken down into four specific areas- behavioral, supplemental, dietary and medical. Some of these represent proven programs, while others are experimental, in addition, it is important to remember, that you will find with these opportunities, there are avenues to explore as one tries to discover the cure.
Behavioral therapies handle modification techniques, to help aid the individual to achieve employment abilities, plus permit them to function in their surroundings. For example, Applied Behavior Analysis, entails the teaching of skill oriented activities. Patients can be rewarded as they discover enjoyable skills and their behavior abilities develop. This is a highly structured program, with intensive one-on-one interaction concerning a child and a therapist. This form of treatment is generally suggested to be the most effective, but many critics believe that the approach is somewhat “robotic” and does not encourage the child to be spontaneous in adapting to the real world.
When it comes to supplemental therapies, and other treatment opportunities, many people with autism react favorably to sensory stimulation. Patients are encouraged to hold objects that have various textures or listen to music. This method entails the playing of music to a child for several hours a day with the goal of improving attention and concentration.
Language applications are of maximum value. Occasionally a program is introduced allowing patients to interact by way of the use of visual stimulants, for example photographs, encouraging the child to communicate his desires and needs through image exchange.

When it comes to dietary therapies, a number of experts advocate that children with autism should be placed on special diets, basically casein or gluten free. Reports have established that a high proportion of children with autism, suffer from chronic gastrointestinal problems. Gluten, found in wheat products, and casein, found in milk products, might be the culprits. Though this type of therapy calls for substantial dietary control, many other specialists caution against the effectiveness of this treatment.
Medical procedures for autism include the use of vaccines and more controversial therapies, including some, which involves the injection of a form of acid into the blood to remove or improve metabolic functioning. Other people advocate the use of antidepressant drugs for example, Prozac to address certain specific behavior problems associated with autism, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder or to help in controlling tantrums.
Autism is diagnosed in approximately one out of every 150 children. It is advised, that early diagnosis, in addition to intervention, is imperative, to enable the child to gain social skills, behavior skills along with moving out of isolation.